Breaking the code-The process
Now, there is 2 sides to business, public and private. Most people do not understand what a fictitious entity is. A fictitious entity is a Strawman! A Strawman is a corporate entity. People are considered corporate entities by way of the ALL-CAP name. The name writing in all capital letters represent business. The upper- and lower-case spelling of your name represent the living you why all capital spelling of your name represent a corporate body.
The confusion may cause some to denounce the process as fraud or a one-way trip to jail. But let's look at this from a law point of view. If you don't know, you are just ignorant to the fact. Contracts are paramount to business, depending on what side of the contract you are on, depends on the results. At the Code Breaker, we create contracts through our workshop programs that teach you how to have leverage against the party (company) you contract with.
There is a way to navigate through the barriers of business, but instead propagandist pump fear or discourage our people from pursuing this process. It seems obvious that low level thinkers with a voice promote this only to come back years later to study and admit by law we are able to do more than what they initially thought was fraud on our path to freedom. Get ready in this section we will bring clarity to the misnomer of business being done like the ELITE.
1. Authenticate your birth certificate.
The reason why you authenticate your BC is to take back control over all trade of business being done under your strawman all-cap name. Once the BC is back by full faith and credit every state must honor the certificate of credit according to Article 1 section 4 of the constitution-Full Faith and Credit Clause. The BC is considered to be an A.B.S (Asset Backed Security) once it has been authenticated, in other words the BC has no value until you give it value by going through the process of authentication. For so called blacks, negros, African American, and Color, the birth certificate when scanning the barcode number, you will find the ABS (BC) is really a Rupee certificate (Indian money). Which mean our C.O.L.B., are back by Indian Currency (Indian Bureau Affairs). We are classified as Indians in the system, and you can see the connection if you notice the Civil Rights Act is really a nick name for Indian Right Act. Moor on this later.
2. Create your Trust Fund.
Because the government went bankrupt in 1933 congress had to give people remedy by way HJR-192. All who have been issue a certificate of live birth along with SSN card have what's known as a Cestui Que Vie Estate. This is the secret behind how this trust created. CUSIP means; Commitee Uniform Securities Identified Procedure. You locate your Securities by identifying with any instrument with your strawman name usually in all capital letters. 2nd you locate the 9-digit serial number sometime alpha numeric on the instrument or contract with your straw name. For example, look at the back of your social security Card. It has an alpha numeric number on it known as a CUSIP. This CUSIP on the back of the social in alpha numeric are attached to one of the 12 federal District bank. Notice A through L on the back of SSN attach your strawman. Each letter is associated with one of the 12 district banks. Once the Trust is Establish you have the option to file it with the court under equity, business or land records.
4. UCC's all securities
Everything is contract. All your bills are contracts. A bilateral agreement between you and other companies. Contract usually have CUSIP numbers which in return prove its a traded instrument on the stock market. Which brokers find these abandon assets after 3 years to sell back to the bank as pool securities. UCC'S are financial statements file with your state capital. Its show you have a securities interest in the assets (CUSIP) attach to the strawman entity (corporation). This financial lien is known to be an international contract recognize in every state. Its show the agreement or contract between the secured party and debtor. The debtor is the strawman all capital letter name for example, JOHN HENRY DOE is the debtor. It's the corporate side to you, your business so to say. The living you is recognize by your all-lower-case letters in your name (appellation) for example, doe, john henry, which is actually the order on your ID. (They taught you your name backwards in school). Furthermore, this attribute and lower-case letter style of writing will be your secured party name (creditor) that has a special interest in the business name aka the STRAWMAN assets.
5. 1099 all securities
All securities need to be reported to the IRS, they are the bookkeepers. One of the most important steps in the process most people miss or have no idea about. One of the most idiotic statements I hear is the BC is not a security or you going to jail. (For your own name) Some people are usually frustrated with their financial situation or just don't want to see you succeed, (you know like hating on you as they would say). But education is key and without research makes one look real foolish with his/her opinion. The assets need to be identified and reported to the bookkeepers (IRS) so you can get the credits back on your tax forms. So, to answer all, this how you get the money!!!
6. Copy right/Trademark your strawman
The reason you copy right your strawman entity, so you can use it in business by law. Anyone using the name will be in violation of copy right infringement and can be sued by owner of the copyright. This allows you to take full control over the strawman which is consider a corporation. This is the why we influence our people to form "Articles of Incorporation" for using the ALL-CAPS strawman name for your business title. Copy right infringement is a very powerful stance to have in the court of law. The owner of the mark is entitled compensation. You can file an order to show cause to received remedy in federal court. A copyright, POA, and affidavit should be suffient enough to seek remedy.
7. Incorporate your strawman name.
This is why we advise people to form "Article of Incorporation" to take back control over the corporate strawman entity. Whether people realize it, or not, other businesses or companies can only communicate with your all capital straw name. For example, the court only communicate with corporate entities. This is why the judge tell you that you need a lawyer. Because lawyers represent corporations. You cannot represent self unless you are competent and had your status corrected. Also, you are supposed to put all mortgage and bills under your corporation or trust, as you pay your bills your business will start receiving business credits. Within a short period, your business will receive business line of credit right in the mail to your home address. This is one of many benefits dealing with your corporation and trust. To earn a line of business credit to fund your own business for vehicles, supplies, equipment, etc.
8. GSA all your securities.
The General Service Administration is responsible for many things. But we use the GSA to report all securities especially when it comes to court cases. For example, on the SF 181 form change your status in the system as "White" and Native America once you check the box on the form. You want to be anything but Black, Negro, Color, African American or a U.S. Citizens. Also, on GSA form 90 and 91 release the property, birth certificate estate account from lien and Escrow, which is your strawman entity with the title of trust. GSA forms are also use for court case bonds. The court is reported on several GSA form to bring relief to the defendant in most cases to dismiss or have the case remove from the docket list. A copy of the forms is also sent to the DTCC because they oversee all stocks and bonds.
9 W-4-sandwich all securities.
The W-4 sandwich is very controversial. The purpose for this process is to show that you are in employed by all companies using your SSN. The source of funds derives from your SSN. You must report the money being spent on your bills to earn income tax credits so when you file return you can get it back. This is another how you to fund yourself by locating your assets and report them to the IRS. Any company you give your SSN by way of contract is supposed to receive a 1099 form receipt from you showing you are reporting money being spent. Which will than allow you to take all receipts you have reported through the year and file it with your tax return. Any instrument with your straw man name on it can be reported to the IRS once you are competent enough to overstand the formula to the necessary forms needed to be successful when filling out your paperwork. The W-4 cover pay periods. For example, however much you made for the month, goes on the W-4 and your annual income goes on the 1040 if your straw man is a U.S. base business, which in most case, you can file 1040 for your tax return. If you have a foreign business, you are required to file a 1041. to be continue.
10. Report all securities-state tax.
As mentioned, the CUSIP on the instrument with your strawman name are consider Secuities. The 9-digit, sometime alpha-numeric identification number is what you locate on the instrument. For example, your state ID has a 9-digit serial number on it, especially New York state ID's. This is called your CUSIP number which mean the ID is a form of assets being traded on the market underneath your business aka strawman entity. The birth Certificate is an ABS (asset backed security) that the holder in due course, should report to the IRS. Once the "Holder in Due Course" report the asset with a value and a receipt of the report is sent back to the holder for acknowledgement, the holder than can file for a tax return. to be continue
11. Open Gmei account
This website allows you to see all the companies across the world using your assign SSN. Depending on your lifetime occupation, if you sign a lot of documents than you are most likely to have thousands of accounts open in your strawman entity you have no idea about. The way to search is go to and go to the search bar, under renewal and put in the SSN with the dashes and press enter. You will see all bank accounts across the world under the SSN in different countries. This is why it so important to report the assets to the IRS so you can receive tax return off the interest rate as the principal. This is where you show proof that something is going on to people who had a hard time understanding this process. The SSN is worth more than you can image and as the principal, beneficiary or Power of Attorney, you are entitled to the interest rate from all securities being traded under your strawman name.
12. Power of Attorney.
One of the most powerful documents to have on record is a power of attorney for your strawman entity. Power of Attorney in fact, give you the rights to represent your strawman entity in the court of law. It also allows you to contact companies for your strawman entity. You can request for an audit of account in the strawman name. You have a better standing in court if any problem arises representing the rights you have over your Intellectual property which is the ALL-CAPS name. The power of attorney is best use when you file taxes for your strawman assets. The power of attorney clearly separates the real you from the all-cap name (corporation) showing your authority over the business entity. Some people make up their own power of attorney contracts which can be detrimental without full understanding. The best power of attorney in my view comes from your state department. This type of Power of Attorney is recognized by the IRS.
13. Common law Courts.
Under Common law jurisdiction all documents should be file with the courts. Common law supersedes admiralty/maritime court's jurisdiction. Public courts deal with statutory law, common law courts deal with judicial precedents. Common law is the body of law created by judges and tribunals. Common law courts fall under the international law of England, which supersede the United States jurisdiction. So, when we file our documents in common law courts, we have taking away jurisdiction from the public courts. Everybody know United States is own buy Great Britian, which is the reason why we file our documents, once completed with the common law international court of Great Britian. Common was known to be common to all king's court across England since 1066 following the Norman conquest. Common law come from court case ruling derive from judicial decision instead of statutes.
14. Library of Congress.
There are 3 branches of government. Legislative branch, run by members of Congress, Judicial branch, run by Judges, and Executive branch run by Presidents. Once you reach a certain level doing the process, you will file your documents with the Library of Congress. The TXU number you receive will put you higher than any judicial jurisdiction by law, where the courts have to honor your documents, due to the fact, it has been file with the library of congress, Legislative branch. Presidents can only make policies for corporations (U.S. Citizens). For the United States itself is a Federal Corporation. Title: 28 Section 3002, chapter 176, subchapter 176. This is what you call the lowest form of government, Executive branch. If there is a problem with the executive branch, we go to the second level of government, the judicial branch for answers, which is the 9 judges. The 9 supreme court justices are the highest court of the judicial form of government. To get remedy if a problem occurs with the judges, we must use the laws of congress. The judicial branch of government must follow the rules of congress, for congress make laws on how the government operates.
15. Name Change
This where things can get complicated if one doesn't fully understand the process of status correction. I recommend one study their true culture to overstand the process. The main reason you change your name is for status correction. Can this be done without a name change? Yes. Here is why we recommend you go back under a title of nobility. The Moors- CDC code 667 is recognized by the government currently in power. Before 1492 we the Al Moroccan Empire which are moors/maurs, was recognized as many nations of people, of dark skin people. Many treaties through years were establish and signed to protect the indigenous (already here) people of this land. When the invaded came to our land around 1605 the begin to change our names and took our fez, 1621 Peabody Museum. Along with help of the census bureau by the year 1899 came around, Dawes Enrollment register the indigenous people with the national archives and begin to issue us colonize last names. This how we lost our way. This how we lost our property and land. This how we lost our true culture as nation. This why you are recognized by law as property executive order 13,037 signed into policies by Bill Clinton. (African American). Black, Negro, Color, African American, are all adjectives (things) by definition of the words. No flag, no land, no nation, no protection!! When you take on your ancestors last names, which were moors/maurs, you are now protected by many agreements called treaties. Article: 6 of the Constitution, treaties are supreme law of land. So, we are protected by the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND!
16. Department of Tax and Finance.
This the part where most people miss or fail to understand. The department of tax and finance in your state need to be notified about all assets held in your possession. They are responsible for your state and local tax forms. It's important to know that your state and local tax forms should be similar to your federal tax forms. Your taxes will be incomplete if you do not file your state and local taxes on forms 1040's, 1041, and 1099's. Also, note with the department of tax and finance you can file a power of attorney over the STRAWMAN or your estate/trust. Once the trust is filed with the department of tax and finance, it makes it much easy for all to see your trust really exist and not just made up. This also give you the power of attorney over the securities in your STAWMAN name. With your power of attorney and your copy rights over the STRAWMAN mark pretty much put you in position to take back control over all assets and have them transfer to your trust, along with other forms.
17. Passport.
identity is everything. This is the key to your assets. Alot of people have problems when it comes to separating self from the strawman. This passport is file with a DO NOT DETAIN status, tax exempt, lifetime weapon permit carrier, insurance and use as a driver (traveler) The funds come from your strawman. So, why would you throw it away after name change? The passport is the best documentation use to identifying yourself as a traveler. The motor-vehicle identification is actually a contract between you and the state. You are subject to the rules and regulations of the state under motor vehicle. Your right to travel document should be file with DOT (department of transportation). You will learn how to navigate through system as you learn the meaning of ID. The backwards you verse the real you. Your motor vehicle ID is really your employee ID for the state you live in. The passport we file with DOT is called the silver bullet.
18. Notice of Injunction.
One of the most powerful documents to file with the county clerk is an injunction. It a contract between you and all who have special interest in your business. In other words, there is a penalty if your rights are violated under any circumstance. If you are detained unlawfully a penalty fee will be issue to the party of guilt. The injunction states if you are detained unlawfully, a penalty fee or fine of $100 a minute and $6,000 an hour for the time being held is owe to the secured party. You are the creator of the contract between your business and the state. It must be on public record for all to see and know, if law any enforcement wants to detain you unlawfully, it will be a price to pay. Again, contracts are paramount to our business and the world operate off contracts. Once we learn how to create our own contracts for our protection, most companies and agencies will think twice before engaging in any fraudulent conduct with you or your business. We must create blankets of protection by creating contracts to protect ourselves and business.
19. Cease and Desist
This contract put all parties on notice once file in the public records. If the other party continue to pursue you or your business for any reason after being serve a lawsuit can be file against the guilty party. All activities against your STAW-MAN assets must cease and desist. All companies doing business for you or your company under the STRAW-MAN entity must cease and desist. Any company doing business without your consent knowingly or unknowingly must cease and desist once they are served with the document. This will be another blanket of protection to protect yourself and your business. A Cease-and-Desist form is supposed to be sent to motor vehicle. Especially if you are turning in your ID into motor vehicle because of a name change or going private. Once the is done if you are every pull over by law enforcement, they will see your documents filed with motor vehicle. The other party must be put on notice.
20. Trust fund Insurance
Once you have your trust fund file with the department of tax and finance, you will then be able to show a financial statement. Which allow you to show the insurance companies proof of funds for you to open a cash value policy or whatever policy is suitable for you. Insurance allows you to borrow against the policy instead of spending your actual wealth. This is how you protect your wealth by spending the annual interest earn which depends on how much you put in your policy. For example, if you invest 24 million in your policy and an annual payment of 1 million is owe to you, you actually can take care of all your bills for the year if under a million dollars just by spending the interest and the 24 million you put into the policy was never touch. This is how the rich stay rich it's called banking.
Insurance for the Trust.